Here’s some advice on what buyers are looking for in an updated kitchen.
Today Jennifer Worley and I are talking about the top seven features that buyers look for in a kitchen. We get asked about this all the time, and for good reason. There’s no one better to talk about this than Jennifer; she’s out with buyers all the time. Making any of these renovations can really improve your home value in the long run:
1. A double sink. The farmhouse sink used to be in style, but now people want the double sink to be able to do all of their dishes at the same time without a hassle.
2. A walk-in pantry. Gone are the days of pulling open the bifold and having shelves. Buyers want enough space to store all of their food and organize it however they want.
3. Table space. It’s nice to have a bar, but what we’re finding is that buyers are more interested in a large table.
4. A central island. This is also something buyers are bringing up a lot. They want a space to prepare food and then bring it over to the table. The same idea applies to counter space as well.
Making any of these renovations can really improve your home value in the long run.
5. Solid surfaces. We hear a lot about having granite countertops, but really it’s more about having a solid, sturdy surface that has a lot of staying power.
6. Pull-out shelves. These are great places to store all of the appliances and plates. Specifically, buyers want the ones that close softly.
7. Custom backsplash. People like kitchens with a backsplash that highlights and brings out the colors in the room. When we say custom, we really mean tiled backsplashes, not the stick-on ones you can buy at a store. Tile and dark grout are back in style.
If you have any questions about these tips, the latest trends, or anything else real estate-related, don’t hesitate to reach out. Give us a call at 801-444-9100. We’re happy to help.