The Stern Team - The 3 Ways a Modern Agent Keeps In Touch With Their Database
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The 3 Ways a Modern Agent Keeps In Touch With Their Database

When our market bursts into bloom with the coming spring, will your sphere be providing you with the referrals you need to thrive? March means spring is just around the corner. In today’s market, the spring buying season is the best time to set the pace for the rest of our business year. In order to make sure that we’re getting the leads necessary for a great head start, we need our sphere to be working overtime to generate referrals. In today’s video, I’ll give you my three best tips for staying in contact with your sphere of influence so those referrals keep pouring in.

1. Put the spring buying season to work for you. With the warmer weather, we can usually expect a significant uptick in sales activity nationwide. Based on reporting by the NAR, past trends indicate that sales activity will pick up by around 34%, and prices will rise by around 3%. This is a time when we can take all of that excitement and market momentum and use it to generate more referrals. Keep your sphere up to date with market analyses, statistics, and headlines to build that anticipation and energy. Then, take advantage of it to ask for referrals.

2. Celebrate the season. Offering your sphere items of interest and value beyond their real estate transactions never stops, but spring is a great time to up your game. Use the traditions of spring to energize your messaging. Consider timely, educational topics like spring cleaning and organization or de-winterizing the home. Work up celebratory messaging for students graduating in spring, or honoring spring holidays. It is even worth exploring client events and community outreach during this time of year since you won’t be competing with summer vacations or the busy holidays of winter.

3. Update your socials. Social media is a powerful tool for staying connected, and there’s no better time to refresh your past contacts than the spring. Let’s face it: It’s a new market and a new digital age. With 77% of Realtors using social media, and 47% of real estate businesses reporting higher quality leads from using it, you don’t want to miss out on one of the best methods for keeping engaged with your sphere. If you’ve fallen out of the habit during the busyness of the holidays, regular posts about your real estate journey, success stories, and market insights can keep your network engaged. Engaging with your contacts’ posts, celebrating their successes, and sharing relevant content also fosters a sense of community and keeps the lines of communication open. Remember, over 90% of target homebuyers are going to start their home search online. Make sure yours is a name that they want to search first.

Staying in touch with your sphere of influence for referrals is an ongoing process that requires genuine effort and strategy. Remember, if you ever have any questions about staying in touch with your sphere, generating referrals, or just the business of real estate in general, please feel free to reach out to me by phone or email. I am always here to serve as your resource for all of your business needs.