3 Things to Remember When Building a New Home


3 Things to Remember When Building a New Home

Inventory has been shrinking recently, which has a large number of buyers building new homes, instead. When buyers do this, though, they need to ensure that they’re being well-represented. There are three reasons this is so important: 

1. The on-site agent is working for the builder. The person you meet when you visit a model home may be perfectly pleasant and knowledgeable, but they aren’t there with your best interests in mind. Rather, they’re there to protect and advocate for the builder. So, given that the builder has an agent on their side, why wouldn’t you want one on yours?

2. Many builders use their own purchase agreement. Without professional training, interpreting such documents (which are often upwards of 30 to 40 pages long) can be difficult. This is yet another reason why having an agent working on your behalf is so critical. 

“The builder has an agent on their side, so why wouldn’t you want one on yours?”

3. Agents can offer a neutral perspective. Buying a home is an emotional decision. After all, this is the place where you’re going to make memories and put down roots. With all of these things on your mind, trying to parse out the logistics of the purchase itself can be hard. An agent not only brings a high level of knowledge and experience to the table, but also a neutral perspective, which will help ensure you get the best possible deal. 

If you have any other questions about this or any other real estate subject, or would like to learn how we can help you meet your own buying, selling, or investing goals, feel free to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.